The musical talents of the group Ylvis have asked “What does the fox say?” However I happen to know what the fox is going to say on April 18th:
“FIND ME” in morse code.
The PPRAA is hosting a spring fox hunt (we’re trying to make this a regular thing) starting at 9:45. I’m the fox, so I don’t want to give too much away, but it’ll be located somewhere in the area to the left:
Byonics (makers of really awesome APRS gear) also happens to manufacture some very nice transmitters to be used for RDF competitions! The one shown here runs on 3x AA batteries and should last about 20 hours. It puts out in the realm of 700mw, is frequency agile (within the 2 meter band) and is programmable by both DTMF commands and via computer via a serial/USB adapter.